You can learn Russian.

Reasons why RussiaGO! is popular

High-quality lessons

We offer private lessons by experienced talented instructors.
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Select instructors you like

You can pick an instructor for each lesson. You will be able to find instructors you like.
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From $3.3 per lesson.

From $3.3 per lesson for high-quality private lessons
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Open 24 hours

Our instructors are from all over the world, and the site is open 24 hours. You can take lessons to fit your schedule.
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RussiaGO! is an online language school using Skype.

You can learn Russian.Members can take lessons from home using Skype. As the general rule, We employ instructors who can offer support in English (and languages other than English). Our site is open 24 hours, and you can select any lessons with the “OPEN“ status set by the instructors. Our lessons are all private, so you will be able to study on your own pace instead of trying to work with other students in group lessons. This will be highly effective and cost-efficient, especially for beginners, compared to studying abroad.
Languages can connect people and expand your potential. Let‘s go out to the world with us by learning how to speak different languages!

russian lessons via skype


Date of the message Instructor registration
2024-12-07 New Teacher!
Teacher Wang-001
2023-05-26 New Teacher!
2023-03-01 New Teacher!
2022-04-11 New Teacher!
2022-03-02 New Teacher!
Instructor registration
2024-12-07 New Teacher! Teacher Wang-001
2023-05-26 New Teacher! Olivia-012
2023-03-01 New Teacher! Heen-001
2022-04-11 New Teacher! Nastasia-001
2022-03-02 New Teacher! Anechka-001

Instructor Selection


NickName Moon-003
Age 36
Gender Male
Nationality Russian Federation

Message to students

Hello,my students-to-be! I would like to offer you learn Russian or German language. Russian is my mothertongue.I studied German as second forein language. Also I started to learn Spanish. You are sencerely welcome!

Message to students

Hello,my students-to-be! I would like to offer you learn Russian or German language. Russian is my mothertongue.I studied German as second forein language. Also I started to learn Spanish. You are sencerely welcome!

Teacher Photo



Teacher Photo


Russian Federation

Teacher Photo



Free member registration
Let‘s tour the site.

Learning method comparison

Language exchange with your language partner Traditional language schools (or study abroad) RussiaGO!
Lesson quality ◎ Private lessons
? The quality depends on your language partner
× Time-consuming because you need to teach each other
◎ Experienced instructors
○ Fixed curriculum
△ Group lessons (◎ for private lessons)
◎ Private lessons
◎ Experienced instructors
Cost ◎ Free △ Depending on the school, but it is normally pricy
× The living cost is also required to study abroad
○ Fairly reasonable
Lesson time ○ By negotiating between two △ Determined by school ◎ You can set your own hours
◎ The site is open 24 hours
Lesson location ◎ Anywhere with an internet connection △ Need to commute (limitation by location) ◎ Anywhere with an internet connection
Characteristics ◎ You can study for free
× It is not easy to find a good language partner
× Time-consuming because you need to teach each other
× The duration of learning depends on the relationship with your partner
◎ You can enjoy the life in a foreign country where you’re studying
◎ High-quality instructors
△ Limited learning effects in group lessons
△ You cannot pick instructors or decide what to do in a lesson
△ You cannot pick the location nor time of lessons
△ Some instructors cannot speak English
× High cost
× Only for people who have time to go abroad to study
× Not easy to start studying with the initial cost and time for the preparation
◎ The same learning effect is expected as studying abroad by speaking the language everyday
◎ You can set your own hours
◎ You can freely pick instructors
◎ Low initial cost makes it easy to start
◎ Few limitations will keep you studying
○ As a general rule, instructors can speak English
○ Reasonable cost
Lesson quality
Language exchange with your language partner ◎ Private lessons
? The quality depends on your language partner
× Time-consuming because you need to teach each other
Traditional language schools (or study abroad) ◎ Experienced instructors
○ Fixed curriculum
△ Group lessons (◎ for private lessons)
RussiaGO! ◎ Private lessons
◎ Experienced instructors
Language exchange with your language partner ◎ Free
Traditional language schools (or study abroad) △ Depending on the school, but it is normally pricy
× The living cost is also required to study abroad
RussiaGO! ○ Fairly reasonable
Lesson time
Language exchange with your language partner ○ By negotiating between two
Traditional language schools (or study abroad) △ Determined by school
RussiaGO! ◎ You can set your own hours
◎ The site is open 24 hours
Lesson location
Language exchange with your language partner ◎ Anywhere with an internet connection
Traditional language schools (or study abroad) △ Need to commute (limitation by location)
RussiaGO! ◎ Anywhere with an internet connection
Language exchange with your language partner ◎ You can study for free
× It is not easy to find a good language partner
× Time-consuming because you need to teach each other
× The duration of learning depends on the relationship with your partner
Traditional language schools (or study abroad) ◎ You can enjoy the life in a foreign country where you’re studying
◎ High-quality instructors
△ Limited learning effects in group lessons
△ You cannot pick instructors or decide what to do in a lesson
△ You cannot pick the location nor time of lessons
△ Some instructors cannot speak English
× High cost
× Only for people who have time to go abroad to study
× Not easy to start studying with the initial cost and time for the preparation
RussiaGO! ◎ The same learning effect is expected as studying abroad by speaking the language everyday
◎ You can set your own hours
◎ You can freely pick instructors
◎ Low initial cost makes it easy to start
◎ Few limitations will keep you studying
○ As a general rule, instructors can speak English
○ Reasonable cost

Steps to take before lessons

Easy steps that you can start taking today

Install Skype
You will download and install Skype before a lesson. You will need a Skype ID you obtain here for the member registration.
Free member registration
You will register as a member by providing the basic information such as your mail address and Skype ID.
Make a lesson reservation
You will log in to the site, pick the lesson time and instructors and make reservations.
Skype lesson
The instructor will call you over Skype at the lesson time. Let‘s have fun studying!
Let‘s tour the site.

User fees

Clear price setting by using tickets

One ticket is good for one 25-minute lesson.You can purchase tickets with PayPal.You can purchase tickets after the member registration.
Please use your only one chance to buy one ticket for $1!
  • $1 trial
  • 1 ticket
  • $1.0 / ticket
  • Private lesson via Skype.
  • 25 minutes/lesson
  • Tickets expire in 40 days
  • $20 ticket
  • 6 ticket
  • $3.3 / ticket
  • Private lesson via Skype.
  • 25 minutes/lesson
  • Tickets expire in 40 days
  • $66/month course
  • 20 tickets/month
  • $3.3 / ticket
  • Private lesson via Skype.
  • 25 minutes/lesson
  • Tickets expire in 40 days
  • $132/month course
  • 40 tickets/month
  • $3.3 / ticket
  • Private lesson via Skype.
  • 25 minutes/lesson
  • Tickets expire in 40 days
  • 1lesson/day course
  • $99 / month
  • $3.3 / ticket
  • Private lesson via Skype.
  • 25 minutes/lesson
  • 2lessons/day course
  • $198 / month
  • $3.3 / ticket
  • Private lesson via Skype.
  • 25 minutes/lesson

Different types of online language learning schools have different pricing policies

Although there are many online language learning schools throughout the world, lesson fees do not necessarily correlate with lesson quality.

Familiarize yourself with the different components of lesson prices, and choose the site which suits you best

An online language learning school run by language schools Joint venture between language schools and an online language learning site RussiaGO!
Lesson prices Language school prices depend on the country where the school is located Fees tend to mount up Low prices by comparison
Breakdown of pricing Rent, utility costs and the costs of office staff involved in running a language school all add to the fees. The amount of remuneration distributed to the instructors varies according to the standard practice of the country where the school is located. In general, lesson costs can mount up for language schools in developed countries. Our website is not involved in the actual management of the language schools; its role is to bring in new clients for existing schools. Many language schools and managing agents use consultants. Site administrators, language schools, and consultants mean there are many staff in addition to the instructors themselves. Their costs are added in to the cost of the lessons. Our website has a direct contract with the instructors. With no intermediaries involved, no additional costs are incurred in this respect. Because our language school is online, the costs required for rent, utility costs and the salaries of the administrative staff of a language school building do not apply to us.
Instructor Language schools are restricted to using instructors resident in the country where the school is located. Depending on the country a school is in, it may sometimes have teachers with dubious qualifications on its books. Where a model with a high middle margin is used, the amount of remuneration available for the teachers is low. Some sites have a set-up whereby the instructor receives 10% of the lesson fee. For this reason, instructor quality does not always correspond to the fees charged, with respect to lesson pricing. If we leave the middle margin to one side, reducing management costs will at the same time boost the level of remuneration to instructors. The quality of the lectures has a high correlation with the quality of the instructors, and the quality of the instructors is related to the level of their remuneration. By increasing the pay available to the instructors, it is not incompatible to have both low-priced lessons and high quality instructors.
Main components
of lesson pricing
School management fees Remuneration for website administrators, language school and consultants. Instructor remuneration.
Lesson prices
An online language learning school run by language schools Language school prices depend on the country where the school is located
Joint venture between language schools and an online language learning site Fees tend to mount up
RussiaGO! Low prices by comparison
Reference price
An online language learning school run by language schools 25-40$/hour
Joint venture between language schools and an online language learning site 25-40$/hour
RussiaGO! 7-17$/hour
Breakdown of pricing
An online language learning school run by language schools Rent, utility costs and the costs of office staff involved in running a language school all add to the fees. The amount of remuneration distributed to the instructors varies according to the standard practice of the country where the school is located. In general, lesson costs can mount up for language schools in developed countries.
Joint venture between language schools and an online language learning site Our website is not involved in the actual management of the language schools; its role is to bring in new clients for existing schools. Many language schools and managing agents use consultants. Site administrators, language schools, and consultants mean there are many staff in addition to the instructors themselves. Their costs are added in to the cost of the lessons.
RussiaGO! Our website has a direct contract with the instructors. With no intermediaries involved, no additional costs are incurred in this respect. Because our language school is online, the costs required for rent, utility costs and the salaries of the administrative staff of a language school building do not apply to us.
An online language learning school run by language schools Language schools are restricted to using instructors resident in the country where the school is located. Depending on the country a school is in, it may sometimes have teachers with dubious qualifications on its books.
Joint venture between language schools and an online language learning site Where a model with a high middle margin is used, the amount of remuneration available for the teachers is low. Some sites have a set-up whereby the instructor receives 10% of the lesson fee. For this reason, instructor quality does not always correspond to the fees charged, with respect to lesson pricing.
RussiaGO! If we leave the middle margin to one side, reducing management costs will at the same time boost the level of remuneration to instructors. The quality of the lectures has a high correlation with the quality of the instructors, and the quality of the instructors is related to the level of their remuneration. By increasing the pay available to the instructors, it is not incompatible to have both low-priced lessons and high quality instructors.
Main components
of lesson pricing
An online language learning school run by language schools School management fees
Joint venture between language schools and an online language learning site Remuneration for website administrators, language school and consultants.
RussiaGO! Instructor remuneration.
Let‘s tour the site.

Instructor Selection

Improve your language skills with friendly instructors!


Miry mir!! Hi everybody! Start new life! Try to help you learn Russian and Ukrainian and looking for nice Italian and Spanish teacher for me.

To continue

Russian Federation

I have been teaching Russian for two years and I really love doing my job. Russian is my favorite subject so I promise you will enjoy learning Russian with me.

To continue


Hi everyone!

My name is Nataliia and I am passionate about languages. If you need any help in learning Russian don't hesitate to message me and start to improve your skills.
With consistently practice in reading, talking, writing and listening you'll see the progress in a couple of months.

Wish the easy learning and see you on classes ;)

To continue

Let‘s tour the site.


Q 1-1. What kind of site is this?
A 1-1. This is a language study site. Private lessons are conducted through the use of Skype, a free, online communication service.
Q 1-2. Who are the instructors?
A 1-2. In addition to native speakers of the language of study, we employ instructors who live in countries and regions where they use their second language on a daily basis. Not only do our instructors have experience teaching at language schools, including online schools, but our contracted instructors come from a wide variety of backgrounds, including experience as university students and lecturers, and working at call centers.
Q 1-3. What language are the lessons taught in?
A 1-3. Lessons are fundamentally taught in the language of study, just as if you were studying abroad somewhere the language is spoken. However English support is offered. The English ability level amongst instructors varies, however all of our instructors have daily conversational ability or higher.

To continue

Let‘s tour the site.

Were you able to read and write when you first started speaking?

Everyone learned to speak by listening to their parents speak. Then they learned many more words by just talking.

However, when you study a foreign language, you mainly learn how to read and write first. Why is that?

It is because it is difficult for an instructor to talk individually to all students in a class at a group lesson setting. This is the limitation of group lessons.
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